Friday, 5 April 2013

Tutorial - First steps in Goldentowns (Part 2)

When you have gone over that first little bump in Cashtowns and are actually starting to understanding the game mechanics you can move on to this step. This tutorial is the followup to this tutorial where I talk about the very first steps in cashtowns. But let's continue with the game!

In this cashtowns tutorial we want to expand our town to something like this:
Cashtowns tutorial target
This is where we're going in this Cashtowns tutorial
But how will we get there? 
Let's find out.
A lot has changed in the town as we can see since the first part of this tutorial series which looked somthing like this when we left it:
Where we left of in the last tutorial.
As you can see there are some big differences. But let's get into it right away so here are the steps to get you forward.
How to continue:
  1. Build a police station to the left of the market as I explain in this tutorial about the police station. Here I also explain why you should place it there but trust me, it is the best place. Remember to train a policeman in the school as well!  
  2. After you have done this you can upgrade your market to level 2 and this makes it possible to upgrade your 3 top houses to level 2 (as soon as you've upgraded the road between the city hall to the last house to level 2). Remember: Happiness is everything! 
  3. When you have upgraded all your six original houses to level 2 it might be a good idea to start upgrading some of your production buildings. Start upgrading your Wood, Stone, Vegetables and Food buildings first. They are the most important in the beginning of the game. Of course you have to build a level 2 road to these buildings in order to be able to upgrade them to level 2. 
  4. You should also start upgrading your road between the city hall and the bottom house because when you've done this you can upgrade your bottom two houses to level 3. (See image)
  5. Note that this is not a cashtowns level 3 road or cashtowns level 3 houses, just  showing you what to upgrade.
    Intandem with this you should build your first fire station on the other side of the market. This will make the middle bottom house eligible for level 4 and the police station for level 2. And of course remember to train a fireman. 
  6. In this part of the cashtowns game you have gotten of the ground but you want to upgrade your city hall and your warehouse to the next level. To do this you must build a dummy police station which i talk a little about here. You should also build a dummy fire station next to the warehouse to be able to upgrade both the city hall and the warehouse to level 3 (look at the picture). 
    I'm feeling that this cashtowns tutorial is getting quite long...
  7. This allows you to upgrade your city hall and your fire station to level 3 which is good for now. In this part of the tutorial I would like to tell you that you should always try to weight when you think its right to upgrade your production buildings. But I think that now is a good time to do that. As you saw in the first picture of this cashtowns tutorial all my production buildings were at level 3. It is not necessary at this point but you should try to have Food, Wood, Vegetables and Stone at level 3 and the other two at level 2. 
  8. The next step in our development will be a hospital, this is what you see in the next picture below. As you can see i'm carving out my way to the spot where the hospital shall be. The line is the road and the circle is where the hospital shall stand. Before doing this though you should upgrade your school to level 2 so you are prepared for the next step.
    A more elaborate tutorial on the hospital available on request! Just say the word!
So that's it! Cashtowns tutorial complete! If you want more details on each of the placements of the buildings please read my other tutorials right here on cashtownsguide. Hope you enjoyed and please comment if you did or have any questions about this tutorial or cashtowns in general.

First part of the tutorial here.


  1. Thank you npersson for your great tutorials, they really help me a lot. How are you currently doing? Already making some money out of it?

    Greetings from Holland

    1. Thank you for the support! No I've not made any money of Cashtowns yet but I have not invested any money either) but I have gotten to 100% happiness in my main town and have started to sell raws.

  2. Alright man, keep it going. I'll come back once in a while en check your blog ^^

  3. Hi npersson could I have your email? Thanks

  4. Cool tutorials! Please, continue! You are very good at making them!

    1. Thank you! I appriciate all the support!

  5. Hey. I have one question. Did Cashtowns pay you? I heard it is a scam, so just making sure if you got paid. :P

    1. Hahaha, no I have not gotten paid by Cashtowns or any other party. I played the previous game from the creators Anno1777. And that's how I got in contact of this game. I'm pretty sure it's not a scam if you look at their history.

  6. Hello there.
    I love your guides.
    Are you still planning to make part 3? Please? :D

  7. npersson I think cashtowns has turned into a scam. Last week I'm getting several errors, do you experience the same?

    1. Nope, the game still works as ever :) , but we need more TUTORIALS !!!!!!

  8. Good morning, I wonder how the influence of buildings Cashtowns?
    What is the maximum distance of influence of each building?

  9. Amazing topics! Tks man :D

  10. after advancing in the game and the range of my original police station and fire station can already reach the town hall, should i replace the two dummy buildings there? if yes, what should i replace it with?

  11. where's the part 3? i'm stuck

  12. Hola , muchas gracias por el tutorial, yo llevo 4 dias en este juego, recien, comence el 21 de setiembre 2013 jejeje, y gracias por tu tutorial, todos esperamos la parte 3, muchas gracias por tu ayuda

  13. ok so cashtowns is no longer cashtowns it is now called goldentowns...but just the same you can still earn real money from it:

    oh and another game to earn real money just by playing is:

